Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Early Morning Thoughts

I don’t want to wake up alone without you.
You are my only home.
What more can I tell you,
you are my heart and soul,
without you would take a monumental toll.

I don’t want to wake up without you.
You are my forever lasting love.
When I see you smile,
the clouds get bright white
make beautiful shapes like the Caribbean isles.

You are the only one
that begins my day since we first met.
You bring fire to my soul
burning love to my heart.

I don’t want to wake up alone without you,
as we take refuge together in our home

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

On Becoming Famous

Peddling endlessly on a treadmill…

…. you called it.

We search for style, glory and honor,

gain style, miss honor

and acclaim glory.

Some inhibit style, saturate glory and harbor honor.

I've attained style, lack glory

and feel honor,

metaphored life, grace and

rhymed my way to


interpreted words wrongly

set on wet cement

from lack of style and meter

but have attained a level of
